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A new life in Ireland

I finally started a new life in Ireland 8 months ago. It started pretty bad and I had to fight a lot for everything and then suddenly it started to get more smooth. I finally made a few friends, especially one Norwegian. Honestly, right now I am happy, taking my breakfast with him, going to the gym, spending time with him even though we are just friends. Most don't believe it but it's what we are. 

However I know we are the weird kind of friends. Do you know many friends who spend more time in each other's arms than anything? who cuddle while watching videos, holding hands... He is sweet and I feel comfortable with him. He is different in many ways but the good kind.

But the more times pass, the more I start to understand what my best friend said when she told me that I was just being blind like she was with her current boyfriend. They were kissing and cuddling but not being together. My friend, he got his cup and slippers at my place, he spends more time here than at his place, we have breakfast together on the morning (he comes every morning before work). We are strange in our own way but we feel good that way too. And I will really miss him when he is gonna move to the south, but still will do 10 hours of trains to spend one week end with him :)

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